C2B Chess Club & Mentoring Program

Program Features

To encourage all male and female youths and young adults across the globe, but for now in South Florida and Georgia to care for their homes, communities and themselves. Our goal is to teach them to appreciate and to develop a deep understanding for African history, while learning about other cultures; this helps with the identity issues that many teenagers face. We offer a variety of preventative programs and enrichment activities that are designed to build self-esteem, character, social emotional and leadership skills to our participants. Our primary focus is to bring male and females together in an environment that is conducive for success and encourages support of each other. The development of overall strong and positive relationships will be the end result.

Historical African Leaders
Write a book report on Historical African leaders
Accomplish their goals
Maintain a positive mindset
Yes, play the game of chess

We welcome you to become a sponsor or supporter of our free youth C2B Chess Club & Mentoring Program or or our Life Skill Workshops. You’ll receive a tax-deduction receipt via mail or email. Yes, Courage To Believe International, Inc. is a 501(c)3, non-profit organization. Click here: Chess Sponsorship Proposal.

Thank you!

Wish List

Chess Boards
Chess Boards
Hanging & Extra Chess Boards
History Books
New & Used African or African-American History Books
My Subtitle
Snacks & Refreshments
Snacks & Refreshments
My Subtitle
Chess Instructors/Volunteers
Background Check Required
A Company To Sponsor Trips & Events